“The latest publication of Black Needle Noise is the video clip of ‘Who Which Watches’. Employing noir aesthetics and combining dark and country sounds, the song is particularly interesting.”
Another interesting collaboration, this time with Antic Clay. John Fryer’s Black Needle Noise project is certainly not unknown to you. Once in a while, this producer releases a song that is more or less interesting to the name of the music scene. Tracks run out of bandcamp and can be downloaded for free (you can find them here). The latest collaborations with a musician, called Antic Clay, is a renowned protagonist of the American genre in Sweden (which could be approached by the ignorant as a “dark Gothic country”). The song “That Which Watches” has also touched a video clip and brings with it the darkened melodic genre of the singer, to see the black and white video you can find here:
Yes, it could be approached by the ignorant. ( ;-{>
"The Black Needle Noise excursion for the track “That Which Watches” featuring Antic Clay is a captivating song that fills one with unbridled optimism All the elements of complexity and intense beats that drive Black Needle Noise are present. There is something inherently different about this track however that stands apart from Fryer’s previous work in the project. It’s the resonant feeling you take away from the song after listening. There is a lingering feeling you can take on the world and leave your own lasting mark that differentiates itself. It’s rather unexplainable, but after listening to the music and seeing the beautiful film noir aspect of the accompanying video, perhaps the viewer will walk away with the same feeling. It’s a piece that leaves you with a sense of hope, which is something the world can certainly use right now."
"Our latest destination features the songwriting and vocal talents of Antic Clay. He tells a tale as old as time...that of good and evil and the ever-watching eye judging all that he sees. "That Which Watches" unfolds like an Old Testament story as told through the lens of off the beaten path Americana. There's maturity and wisdom in Clay's voice, and Fryer's score, while subtle, intensifies and expands on the authority there. As always, he has created the perfect palette for the featured artists to show off their talents."
Isaiah by Children (1989)
4-track recording, circa 1989. CHILDREN released one cassette in 1988, “Sleep.” This and others to come are previously unreleased recordings, before Children evolved into Alabaster, Alabaster changed to Myssouri when Michael Bradley moved to Atlanta; when Myssouri dissipated Bradley continued as Antic Clay.