
Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Cryin.’


A Celebration of Denis Johnson

A posthumous release of short stories by the revered Denis Johnson – I’ll warm up the crowd with a batch of songs to suit the occasion. Come out and ignore your stupid smart phone for a change.

I’m pleased to have been invited to this. Somehow Denis Johnson’s work slipped past my radar. Especially strange since I like Raymond Carver. As I told  the fellow who invited me to play this, perhaps I shouldn’t have re-read Blood Meridian so many times and I would have encountered Denis Johnson. Ah well. I’ll probably play several Townes Van Zandt songs, as they seem to fit with his characters.


A Celebration of Denis Johnson

A Celebration of Denis Johnson

A Celebration of Denis Johnson

Tuesday, Jan 16, 2018 7:00 PM

Highland Inn Ballroom Lounge
644 North Highland Avenue Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30306

The many and varied works of Denis Johnson have had an honored place on the shelves of A Cappella since the day we opened, almost 30 years ago. His fiction, poetry and journalism all captured the fullness of life–and death– in a voice rich with hard-earned brilliance. Each new Denis Johnson book was a cause for celebration around here, and  the day we learned of his death last year at the age of 67 was one of great sadness.

Fortunately, there is again cause to celebrate: shortly before he died, Johnson completed his second collection of short stories: The Largesse of the Sea Maiden, and it will be published on Tuesday, January 16.

To mark the occasion, we invite you to join us that evening at the Highland Inn Ballroom Lounge at 7p.m., along with a number of  Atlanta writers and musicians to reflect on Johnson’s unique literary output and to dig into this latest work. Among the participants are journalist Tom Junod, who will read from Johnson’s one book of non-fiction,  novelist Josh Russell, who will share highlights from his stories, Atlanta writer Wyatt Williams, who has written an original tribute to Johnson, poet Megan Sexton, who will read and discuss Johnson’s verse, and several Johnson enthusiasts, who will perform a dramatic reading from one of his plays.

Plus musical performances by Michael Bradley and Auction House Letters. 

Here is what some of today’s best-known novelists have already said about Johnson’s genius:

“The God I want to believe in has a voice and a sense of humor like Denis Johnson’s.”—Jonathan Franzen

“He worked at a level different from the rest of us—a true master.”—Zadie Smith

“Our most poetic American short-story writer since Hemingway.”—George Saunders

“Nobody wrote with more brutality and mercy, more hilarity and grace. What a genius he was.”—Elizabeth McCracken

“Johnson brought news from the darkest, wildest depths of American life as Mark Twain did in chapters of Huckleberry Finn and Faulkner in a slew of novels. . . . There was no one like him.”—Philip Roth

“When Denis Johnson is justly praised for his voice, I always think, just the one? He had an eerie symphony at his command.”—Karen Russell

“His prose tiptoes a tightrope between peace and calamity.”—Anthony Doerr

“Denis Johnson was and is and will continue to be one of our strongest writers. His work has an indigenous beat that marks it as unmistakably American.”—Don DeLillo

“Everyone who reads Denis Johnson comes away thinking he has spoken directly to some wracked and ragged, yet transcendent, aspect of their own secret heart.”—Louise Erdrich

We’ll have copies of the new book available for sale as well as a selection of Johnson’s most beloved titles.

We’ll also hold a raffle for a signed copy of Johnson’s National Book Award-winning novel, Tree of Smoke.


Singing Bowie

On Monday night I participated for the first time with this group that performs tribute nights regularly. This one was for Bowie’s birthday, as well as Elvis Presley’s. Actually, was it also Elvis’ birthday – yes it was! Strange how huge cultural icons have so many remoras of info swirling around them, one is bound to miss some key data.

It was a great night in that, for me, it was reminiscent of clumsy theater with hectic, chaotic talent abounding. As I expected from the enormous roster of songs, there were quite a few train wrecks – but as I also expected, many magic moments sprang forth.

There’s only a bit of video, at least so far. But here’s a clip of me singing China Girl with a very talented group of musicians.


A Benefit for Destiny

Tonight in Atlanta, at the Star Community Bar – I will open the night with a set of (mostly) new original songs. This will be much like my show in Budapest – but hopefully more capably performed (:)) The headlining act, Hi-Test, is scorching rockabilly and I’m pretty sure my songs will be surprisingly heavy and dark for the event. And not on purpose. But I’m sticking with what music comes out of me – I think that authenticity is what matters. It’s noteworthy that it’s a fundraiser for an old friend named Destiny Ronay, who experienced some major health issues last year and underwent major surgery and hospitalization. So maybe me as opener will be like that darkness into which she was plunged, and Johnny and Hi-Test will be the glad victory into which she emerged.

If you live in Atlanta – come on out!



Wolf (First Aid Kit cover)


Last Night in Budapest

Thank you to dr. Halász Gábor for the photos. More to come – it was a packed room with a very enthusiastic audience. It was an honor to play to people across the world who actually know and love my original songs. Positively inspired; I will return.


Red Grass, Black Pasture – Christmastime 2017


Antic Clay Live in Budapest, December 8 2017

“A legkisebb kavics is hosszú éles ceruzavonást rajzol a homokba és az emberek meg a lovuk messze eléjük nyúló fekete árnya akárha az éjszaka emléke amit maguk mögött hagytak mely csápjaival utánuk nyúl és az újra rájuk váró sötétséghez köti őket. Fejüket lehorgasztva lovagoltak arctalan a szemükbe húzott kalap alatt mint egy álmában menetelő hadsereg.”

Részlet Cormac McCarthy Véres Délkörök című regényéből… Michael Bradley erről a világról énekel, a véres, poros, füstös vadnyugat hiteles krónikása. Mintha Johnny Cash Joy Divisiont játszana… Zenekarai, a Myssouri és az Antic Clay a gothic country megkerülhetetlen alapműveit alkották meg.

A koncert ingyenes és pontosan kezdődik!

Michael Bradley után érdemes a Lumenben maradni, mert a remek ‘sad surf’ banda, a Signore Crust lép fel!

“The smallest pebble also draws a long crimson pencil into the sand and the black shadow of people and horses that are far ahead of them, as much as the memory of the night left behind behind them with their tatters bound to them by the darkness they are waiting for them again. under a hat as a marching army in a dream. ”

Detail from Cormac McCarthy’s Bloody Circle of Circuses … Michael Bradley sings on this world, the authentic chronicle of bloody, dusty, smoky wild westwestern. As if playing Johnny Cash Joy Division … His orchards, Myssouri and Antic Clay were the inevitable basics of the gothic country.

The concert is free and starts right away!

After Michael Bradley, it’s worth staying in the Lumen because the great ‘sad surf’ band, Signore Crust is coming up!


The Standard Is Poor

Hello! I’m happy to announce I’ll be playing a show somewhere in Budapest in early December. Details on that to come. Meanwhile, here’s a new original from the forthcoming album. Rough draft. Feedback welcome. Well, maybe. 🙂